Introducing haycheepoo + my inspiration :)

Hi guys!
I will start blogging (again) but this time, it'll be different and I will put effort into this blog! I'm determined to share my knowledge and learn with you!
So basically, I will just blog my Outfits of the Day, shopping hauls, beauty product reviews, perspective on life and fun stuff like that! Those kind of stuff is fun right?
So I spent a good two hours setting up this blog, I know it's not very professional, but it'll improve overtime... I hope.
Oh to clarify things, I'm not a professional in anything, I basically do what I like doing and sometimes, it turns out pretty well!

My inspirations to start a blog is actually Bubzbeauty, I'm sure a lot of you guys know who she is. If you don't, think you can go.. and ... suck an overdue lollipop!
Bubzbeauty is much like an older sister I've never met nor does she know about my existence, but her perspective and view on life is really motivational and it just amazes me how someone can be so... Happy with their life; I know she has her personal problems and all, but she still overcomes that very well and continues to live her life so well every day. I guess, she's the type of person I want to become, someone so optimistic about life and can overcome all the hardship life gives you.

It's the way she teaches about optimism in life but in such an entertaining and happy way. Bubzbeauty is quite a big inspiration to me.

Another inspiration/role model for me, are my sisters. I have two older sisters and we all have 3-year age gap between us, my oldest one is 22, my older one is 19 and I'm 16. Even though there has been numerous ups and downs with them, at the end of the day, they're still my sisters and they can't change that even if they wanted to. So if you can't fight it, then embrace and work with it.

On the left is my oldest sister, Kathy (22) and on the right is Natalie (19). 

On the left is my grandma who has taken care of me ever since I was brought to the world! On the right is my annoying little brother, who is 5 years younger than me.

These people (aside from my brother, I don't know why I put him in this) are great inspirations to me, being there with them for my whole entire life, seeing them in hardship and difficulties, and seeing them overcome them with mere determination... It's just amazing how they can overcome so much with so little and I guess because of this, they've became my role models. 

Well, I think that should be enough for today, a little background information just to start off! I'm looking forward to growing my blog more and learning more with you! I should probably go find something to eat now, been so busy with this blog, my stummy is practically yelling at me now T____T 

Much love, haycheepoo ♥

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