I've been feeling quite motivated to blog these days and luckily, I have friends to go out with and do these OOTD :3
I haven't seen my best friend Theresa in FOREVER and fortunately, we both had a day off school and decided to catch up like the old times again!
We're fabulous we know x3 So first we made our way to the city and at Nando's, I feel bad towards the cashier guy because we wanted to split the bill but that meant he needed a calculator and all that.. But in the end he happily did it for us! Oh gosh I love happy people :') After eating we went to look for the book store so that Theresa can sell her old textbooks but sadly, they all moved... So after that, we just went to Ikea for me to apply for work experience, but ended up that I should have printed my bloody resume to hand in.. So I'll have to come back next weekend to hand in my resume ;a; Ah... such a long travel T___T But whilst we were at Ikea, we just went into the little rooms and pretended me lived there - Theresa was very excited and was very happy despite her heavy backpack x3

We headed back to the CBD and decided to grab some dessert at Dessert Story! It was fun because we would talk about all these random stuff that we haven't been able to talk about with each other!
We probably stayed here just talking about random things for an hour! But in the end, we are girls!
I'm not sure if you can see, but today's make up is a simple brown gradient effect! I've recently bought a pack on Makeover Essential eyes and lips and decided to try the eyeshadows! I just lined my eyes with my Dolly Wink liquid liner and tightlined my eyes so I don't look like I have popping eyes with my Dollywink pencil liner, both eyeliners are in 'deep black'! For my face as usual, it's just Skin79's Hot Pink BBCream!
And now! Outfit of the day time! I actually wore this for 3 days because I had work that night, the next morning and the morning after that and I didn't go home, so... DON'T JUDGE ME! Oh and thank you so much Theresa for taking these photos for me! My brother did a horrible job because he's so short and that angle makes me look fat ;a; ~
Instead of my cutesy cat ears, I actually went for this yellow bow headband I received as a birthday gift awhile ago! You may think the brightness of the yellow doesn't match with the outfit, but I actually think it gives the outift an extra something, yknow?! In the second photo, there's also the whole body shot that I took in my work place's change room before I went to work! I matched my stripe sleeve with my black and white Converse that I actually had since grade 6 and still fit it perfectly!
So that was pretty much it! I hope I didn't bore you guys! I should probably go exfoliate my skin now.. It feels horrible since I haven't cleansed my skin for one whole week.. Because I forgot my cleanser at my sister's place ;a; ~ Keep warm and happy!
Much love, haycheepoo ♥
Your outfit looks cute ! ^___^
Thank you so much ^^~